Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Pop Art


The strongest part of my cartoon is the variety of colors. I used bright colors so you can actually see the picture. The only dark color is used is the last picture. I didn't want to have all my colors bright so i just made one dark. As you can see you cant really see the cartoon that well. I could improve my pictures by using all bright colors instead of one dark one.To create this, i used the magic wand tool, and i also used the paint brush/paint bucket.The easiest part of this project was painting over the image. The hardest part was using different colors because most colors didn't look good and i couldn't only use light colors. If i could do this project again i would have made it way better. I would of choose a different picture with better colors and not use so much colors. On a scale 1-10 i think i id a 7

1 comment:

  1. Effort:4
    Composition: 3
    Magic Wand Selection:4
    Reflection:2 Very vague. You're not explaining much.
